Cancer Don’t Care

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Lora Cohen Vaccaro

Team: Cancer Don’t Care



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Every 4 minutes, someone new is diagnosed with a blood cancer. 


In fact, every 10 minutes, someone dies from a blood cancer.


Leukemia is the leading cause of death among children under 20 years old.


There are over 1,012,533 Americans currently living with blood cancers.


At one point in my life, I would have seen those as statistics. Today, they represent my father – his diagnosis, battle, and loss to blood cancer.

The experience left me asking: What can I do to help prevent someone else’s cancer diagnosis from ending the same way?

I’m running for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society’s (LLS) Woman of the Year in honor and memory of my father and all those who are affected by blood cancers. My goal is to raise as much money as I can to help fund critical research and patient aid. 

Join me. We needn’t wait to make a difference. The funds we raise now can help someone beat their cancer diagnosis. You and I can do this for our fathers, mothers, siblings, loved ones, friends, mentors, neighbors, possibly even ourselves.

No one is unaffected by cancer.

#CancerDontCare. We do.

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NYC’s Local Boy & Girl of the Year: Andrew & Caylin


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